Gaudas , kunbis , Velip and Dhanger are the major triple communities of Goa. In our village there is a large community of Gaudas. Their main occupation is farming and sheep rearing but over time they have also learned the techniques of morden fishing. They are all mostly Hindus but they have surnames like dias , pereira etc. since their ancestors were Christians converts by the Portuguese. It is said that in the year 1928 an hindu organisation from bombay came to Goa to re-convert the people who were converted to Christianity. So many Christian Gaudas from our village and from all over Goa were re converted to Hinduism by going against the Portuguese govt. Since the Portuguese government was against this they brought hurdles to stop it and also did not accept the change in the name of the people. So till date the surnames of the Gaudas have remained the same.

But nowadays there is full liberty for the people to change their name and some of them have done it. But most of them have kept the same name because it helps them to get Portuguese passport which helps them to go abroad.


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